Automatic Sprinklers for Lawns

Spinklers are some of the most common irrigation system in farming and landscaping. In this method, the water is sprayed from a pivot point to fall like rain. Just like how soil absorbs rain water, the sprinkled water is quickly absorbed into the Topsoil. Water is sprayed through small nozzles uniformly through lateral pipes. We are experts in installing modern automatic irrigation systems for lawns and gardens in any landscape.

Automated Sprinkler and Irrigation System for Lawn and Gardens

Sprinkler systems although being traditional irrigation system in landscaping, has a lot of advantages. Sprinklers are suitable for a lot of different soils and slopes. They are also quite simple to install and maintain. There is less possibility of clogging of nozzles. On top of all the advantages of sprinklers they could also be automated with latest technology. Even with manual sprinklers the cost of labour could be cut down. With automated sprinkler systems, water is sprayed at timely intervals with minimal to no human intervention. An electronic controller is connected to the valve. With just one valve many zones of the landscape can be covered during different parts of the day. Although drip irrigation is the most common we also employ other irrigation systems suitable for the landscape or garden in hand.

Programmable Controller

Multiple Zones with fewer nozzles

Reprogram controller based on requirement

Minimal to no Human intervention

Imported Sprinkler Systems


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+91 8056175641

No.8, B-1, Rangan Street, T.Nagar, Chennai 600 017

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